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SUV Camping Tents Car Tent with Porch Vestibule Awning Shelter

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  • Multi Functional SUV Tent: This latest tent is specially equipped with 4 webbing straps at the back, which can tie the tent to the rear of the car to form an SUV camping tent; You can also manually fold the back of the tent and tie it with a ribbon to make it a camping tent, which can be used for camping or on the beach. Functions as a spacious stand-alone tent when needed.
  • Two Layer Coating of 210D Oxford Cloth: The main material of the tent is 210D Oxford cloth with PU4000 waterproof coating and UV resistant coating. Oxford cloth is relatively sturdy and durable. The PU4000 waterproof coating can block general rainwater. We consider that there are more people going out for picnics and camping on sunny days, and specially added a UV resistant coating to effectively isolate most of the UV rays and protect your skin from sunburn.
  • Zippered Mesh: We also specially designed mesh with zippers on the three doors of the tent, which can circulate air inside the tent and prevent mosquitoes and other pesky insects.
  • Tent Structure: There is a channel at the back of this tent that can be easily connected to the car trunk, and the inside of the three doors of the tent is a layer of zippered mesh. The tent is mainly made of waterproof and UV resistant Oxford fabric. The tent gate is an extendable canopy, and this SUV rear tent can block some ultraviolet rays and provide you with more cool space. It allows you to chat, play games, and even cook with friends under the canopy, as well as anything you want to do.
  • SUV Tent Size: The main internal dimensions of the tent are 117.6 * 60 * 82.8 (L * W * H), and the ceiling size is 117.6 * 110.4 * 82.8 (L * W * H). This tent has a large space and is very suitable for going out for picnics with family and having a happy time.
  • Easy to Assemble: This tent assembly method is very simple, but due to its large size, it is best to have two or more people collaborate to assemble it quickly.Also give a free bag to hold the tent, making it easy to store and save space
  • Guarantee: This year's new tent aims to meet everyone's demand for picnic SUV tents. It is also necessary to protect the tent and use it correctly on weekdays, so as to delay the lifespan of the tent. If you have any dissatisfaction, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will provide professional after-sales service to help you solve the problem.
  • Our tent provides maximum comfort for up to 4 adults. It comes with 3 large doors for ventilation and ease of access at night. It features mesh inside layer to protect against mosquitoes and other pesky insects. For ease of use, you can quickly convert it into a freestanding tent if you need to drive away from your campsite. Within the tent, you also have access to an internal gear loft, gear pockets, and even a lantern for organization and functionality in camp.













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