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Dome X4, Freestanding Dome Hot Tent

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  • 【Dome Tent Design】Dome X4 is a free-standing dome shaped tent designed for winter camping.
  • 【Strong Stability】Dome X4 tent has 6 tent poles of the same length. The roof of the tent adopts a point symmetric and linear symmetric structure, so it can withstand bad weather.
  • 【Oversize Fireproof Ground Sheet】The detachable ground sheet of Dome X4 is specially designed for the wood stove. There is a piece of heat-resistant fabric right below the stove jack, so even if the burning carbon fire falls on the ground sheet, it won't burn the floor.
  • 【Three Door Design】Dome X4 tent has three doors on the inner tent and the outer tent, which are convenient for get in and out the tent.
  • 【Huge Internal Space】Dome X4 tent can accommodate 4 people, providing spacious internal living space for single campers with stoves.



The jack stove with velcro can be easily used for renewal, and the outside is equipped with a placket and a waterproof zipper to enhance the waterproof performance. The ground sheet with fireproof cloth is suitable for most tent stoves on the market. Removable buckle-in ground sheet for ice fishing. The detachable triangular mesh at the top can be used to dry wet gloves and socks. The outer tent is equipped with three controllable triangular vents, which can improve the ventilation inside the tent. The three doors are double-layer design, and No-see-um bug mesh on all doors and vents. All seams are treated with waterproof taping to ensure no leaks in rain or snow. The inner tent is made of waterproof fabric and can easily accommodate the camping cot.

Dome X4 | Freestanding Dome Hot Tent | Outdoor Camping Hot Tent

Dome X4 Tent
  • The jack stove with velcro can be easily used for renewal, and the outside is equipped with a placket and a waterproof zipper to enhance the waterproof performance.
  • The ground sheet with fireproof cloth is suitable for most tent stoves on the market.
  • Removable buckle-in ground sheet for ice fishing.
  • The detachable triangular mesh at the top can be used to dry wet gloves and socks.
  • The outer tent is equipped with three controllable triangular vents, which can improve the ventilation inside the tent.
  • The three doors are double-layer design, and No-see-um bug mesh on all doors and vents.
  • All seams are treated with waterproof taping to ensure no leaks in rain or snow.
  • The inner tent is made of waterproof fabric and can easily accommodate the camping cot.


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1) 신용카드로 결제한 주문건을 취소하는 경우, 최소 완료시점에서 즉시 결제 취소되며, 승인 후 영업일 기준 6-7일 후 해당 카드사에서 취소내역을 확인할 수 있습니다.(체크카드 7-14일 후 확인가능)
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