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제품 확대이미지

Comfortable Outdoor Cotton Canvas Big Family Camping Bell Tent (Diameter 5M)

the total amount


  • Diameter 16.4ft (5m) bell tent: door height 63in, top height 118in, side wall height 31.5in, the stove hole center from floor is 17.7in. It can fit 1 king-sized bed and 2 twin-sized beds.
  • Durable and breathable 100% cotton canvas in beige color and water Repellent. Double Stitch Reinforcement: All our seams are double stitched, corners are reinforced for added strength.
  • The tent allows you to roll up the sides of the tent so on a scorching afternoon you can lounge under canvas, enjoying the breezy shade beneath. There are 4 windows and 4 vents. Every tent comes complete with windows and vents covered in net yarn to keep to providing ventilation and airflow. Our half-moon windows have zip up covers to allow you to customize your desired level of ventilation and privacy.
  • Groundsheet: Our super durable Regatta Bell Tent features a sewn-in PE groundsheet for those who would rather want their groundsheet attached as it’s easier to set up and less fussy. If you are looking for instant setup, this tent is ideal. It is an added level of waterproofness, a solid wall of defense that keeps your tent clean and in tip-top condition. Easier to clean – just hose or wipe off.
  • The camping canvas bell tent is stability, breathability and water-resistance. The coolest feature is the zip-away floor that transforms your tent into a canopy for outdoor events such as festivals, Family Camping, weddings, Picnics, parties, Luxury Camping and group campouts.



1.Bring a new sense of adventure to your next glamping trip with our classic camping bell tent.Our classic camping bell tent is roomy inside and packed full of smart features.
2.Waterproof and breathable because of the strong treated cotton canvas fibers that repel water and provide comfort that gives you the best blend of all season protection and airflow. Enjoy a dry, comfortable indoor family experience.
3.We’ve also included extra-strong pegs, making this tent sturdy in windy weather and bad conditions.
4.These tents are easy to set up with a simple two pole assembly. The oversized door makes loading and unloading your gear quick and easy. You'll love the tent as your home away from home.
5.Why not accessorise your tent and complete the experience with a variety of camping furniture - from chandeliers to sound systems, tables to bedding, rugs and plenty more - perfect for taking your camping experience.


Bell Tent Outdoor Glamping
the happy campers event campers bell tents
Outdoor bell tent glamping


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1) 신용카드로 결제한 주문건을 취소하는 경우, 최소 완료시점에서 즉시 결제 취소되며, 승인 후 영업일 기준 6-7일 후 해당 카드사에서 취소내역을 확인할 수 있습니다.(체크카드 7-14일 후 확인가능)
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