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ATEPA Heavy Duty Lightweight Folding Camping Cot Bed, Support 330lbs

the total amount




  • 【Height Adjustable Camping Cot】The sleeping cot has two model, high bed mode and low bed mode.It can be converted from 7.8" to 12.9" in height. You will be able to choose a preferable height to sleep. Keep you away from moisture, insects, dirt, rocks. You can use it at the pool, patio, beach, lake, lunch break in the office or in the backyard while sunbathing.
  • 【Portable Sleeping Cot--Easy to Carry】The folding cot weight 3.1kg/6.8lbs. Set size:L190 x W 65 x H 16/41cm ( 74.8×25.6×6.7/16.1inches).Packed size: 55×19cm / 21.6×7.5inches. Add a storage bag to make it easier to carry. More space,more comfort. You can freely turn to your side, back, and stomach,supine positions. No bars in your back.No more waking up sore.
  • 【Easy to Set Up and Take Down】NO TOOLS NEEDED! You just need a few minutes to set up or take down the camp cot. Latest lever locking system is relatively labor-saving. The package include 3 legs, 2 long poles, 12 height extending feet, cot fabric, storage bag.
  • 【Sturdy and Comfortable】**Frame is made of high strength 7075 aluminum alloy, which sturdy enough to hold people up to 330 lbs/150kg.**Bed cloth is specially treated 300D ripstop cloth, which is breathable, firm and not scratchy .**Inside pocket to store your access stuff, such as cell phone, magazines, books, keys.**Anti-slip helps from sinking into mud or loose ground and adapts to all terrains.
  • 【Versatility Foldable Cot】Our adult cot is ideal equipment for camping, hunting, hiking, trekking, road trip, beach, you can also use it as a temporary bed at your home or office nap.


ATEPA Heavy Duty Lightweight Folding Camping Cot Bed, Height Adjustable Foldable Portable Sleeping Cot for Adult, Patio, Beach, Hiking, Camping, Travel, Office Nap, Outdoor, Support 330lbs


Camping Cot

lever locking system

Lever Locking System

  • Save your effort when installation.
  • Provides better tension for bed cloth.
  • More durable and sturdy.
Lightweight camp cot

camping cot for adult 

sleeping cot bed 

portable camp cot 

camping cot






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