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[TANOLA] Tesla Camping Mattress

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Product name

Upgraded TESBEAUTY Camping Mattress for Tesla Model 3, High Density Foam Memory Foam Combined, New Version, can be stored in The Hidden Trunk or The Frunk

Product Key Information
  • Designed particularly for Tesla Model 3, 100% fit, can be stored in the hidden trunk or in the frunk. Space saving.
  • Two kinds of foams applied, high density foam and memory foam. More supportive yet still compressible to be stored in the bottom trunk.
  • We make the storage bag a real cooler which can keep drinks/food cold/fresh up to 24-48 hours, depending on how much ice you use.
  • Cube ice in the cooler/insulated bag won't melt up to 12-24 hours. More importantly, when the ice melts, the bag won't leak.
  • High count thread cotton sheet makes a huge difference as well. We upgraded the sheet too. It's very soft, super comfortable fitted sheet for the camping mattress is provided. Beat all similar camping sheets out there.
Detailed Description
TESBEAUTY motto is to make quality, functional, durable yet beautiful, OEM Tesla accessories. We also offer the best customer service. Everything in our shop is upgraded and uniquely designed.



Get the TESBEAUTY Mattress--Enjoy the Tesla Camping!

Two foams appplied, high density foam and memory foam, soft yet supportive!

TESBEAUTY mattress--a camping bed for tesla model 3 is ready. Turn on the camp mode!

Have the camping mattress, drive your model 3, take a roadtrip, enjoy your life to the fullest! YOLO!

What makes the TESBEAUTY mattress special? Check the video to know more exceptional points of Tesbeauty model 3 mattress!



Compact & Space-saving Mattress for Tesla Model 3

Comfortable to sleep on, supportive if you are within 200lbs, space-saving, multifunctional carrying case.

Check the video to know more exceptional aspects about tesbeauty camping mattress for tesla model 3.

For Tesla model 3 camping mattress, tescamp, tesmat, or tesbeauty? Camping mattress for tesla model 3, tesla camping mats, tesla model 3 mattress, I know you have many options out there. But why tesbeauty?

Keep reading :)




Two kinds of foams applied.

The middle sections are high density foam. The head and feet ends are soft foam.

High density foam makes hte mattres supportive, while soft foam makes the mattress still be compressible to be stored in the frunk.

The most unique point for this mattress: supportive yet still compact and space saving.


Carrying case also could be a cooler.

The carrying case of TESBEAUTY mattress is made of 5-layer materials. 2 of them are insulation materials. The inner bag is totally seamless and watertight. Even the case zipper is invisble, which brings the best effect of insulation.

If needed, it could be a very helpful cooler and comes in handy.


New antislip layer--won't damage the trunk carpet.

We used to sell the tescamp mattress and received some complaints from customers about the antislip velcro ruining their car trunk carpet. So for TESBEAUTY mattress we not only upgraded the foam, sheet, and the carrying case, we also upgraded the antislip layer that won't damage your carpet.


See how to install the mattress properly.

Move the front seat forward and put down the back seat.

Put the 3 sections one by one and put on the sheet.

Tuck the fitted sheet under the folded seat, which it's very important.

Tuck the sheet under the trunk cover, which it's very important.



How do we pack the tesbeauty model 3 mattress?

1. Stack the foam pads on the straps. 2. Buckle up the two straps.

3. Use your body weight to help compress the mattress.

4. Strap down the mattress. 5. Put the mattrss into the case.

6. Store the whole mattress in the frunk.

Pls note that you need to compress the mattress as low as possible to be stored in the model 3 hidden trunk or in the frunk.






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