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[Flame King] Refillable 1LB Empty Propane Cylinder Tank, Green

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Product name

Flame King Refillable 1LB Empty Propane Cylinder Tank - Reusable - Safe and Legal Refill Option - DOT Compliant - 16.4 oz, Green

Product Key Information
  • ITEMS INCLUDED – Refillable Empty 1LB Propane Tank, Cap, and 2mm (5/64") Allen Key
  • REDUCE WASTE - Keep disposable propane tanks out of the environment by using the Flame King 1LB refillable cylinders
  • SAFE TO USE - Flame King refillable propane tanks are the only 1LB tanks Certified by the DOT as legally and lawfully refillable and transportable; it is not safe or legal to refill and transport disposable 1LB tanks
  • SAVE TIME - Refill from the comfort of your backyard in few easy steps (please watch the video); compatible with any appliance that uses a 1LB propane tank
  • SAVE MONEY - Stop wasting money on disposable tanks and start saving money with our reusable, safely and easily refillable propane cylinders
  • HIGH-GRADE STEEL construction, X-ray & Hydrostatic tested, powder coated for long-lasting exterior protection - UL1769 listed valve
  • PLEASE NOTE - These cylinders fill fastest & safest with our commercial Flame King Refill Adapter (sold separately) or the Flame King REFILL KIT!
Detailed Description
The Flame King 1 lb (16.4oz) refillable propane cylinder fits all appliances that today's non-refillable tanks work with. This propane bottle is legally & lawfully refillable & transportable - just like your BBQ tank is. Our unique & patented valve design is not available from any other manufacturer. These refillable propane cylinders are perfect for practically every Mr. Heater, Weber, coleman & similar outdoor type applications that would fit a disposable tank. Spend your money wisely & buy the last 1 lb propane cylinder you will ever need! Tossing a single-use disposable tank is just a silly waste of resources & can be a potential huge problem in the waste stream! Join the eco-revolution! Please note: these cylinders fill fastest & safest with our commercial Flame King refill adapter - not included but available with our refill kit! High grade steel construction - x-ray & Hydrostatic tested - powder coating for long lasting exterior protection - dot & TC certified for 12 years (10 years in Canada) - UL1769 listed.
Flame King Refillable 1 lb Empty Propane Cylinder Tank - Reusable

Flame King Refillable 1LB Empty Propane Cylinder Tank - 16.4 oz

The Flame King 1 lb (16.4oz) refillable propane cylinder fits all appliances that today's non-refillable tanks work with. This propane bottle is legally & lawfully refillable & transportable - just like your BBQ tank is. Our unique & patented valve design is not available from any other manufacturer. These refillable propane cylinders are perfect for practically every Mr. Heater, Weber, coleman & similar outdoor type applications that would fit a disposable tank. Spend your money wisely & buy the last 1LB propane cylinder you will ever need! Tossing a single-use disposable tank is just a silly waste of resources & can be a potential huge problem in the waste stream! Join the eco-revolution! Please note: these cylinders fill fastest & safest with our commercial Flame King refill adapter - not included but available with our refill kit! High grade steel construction - x-ray & Hydrostatic tested - powder coating for long lasting exterior protection - dot & TC certified for 12 years (10 years in Canada) - UL1769 listed.

Flame King Refillable 1 lb Empty Propane Cylinder Tank - Reusable

Be prepared before heading out on a camping trip. Make sure to bring with you the refilled Flame King 1LB Propane Cylinders! These small propane bottles are perfect for on-the-go cooking, grilling, heating, and lighting!


Flame King Refillable 1 lb Empty Propane Cylinder Tank - 16.4 oz
 Propane Fitting Adapter Valve to Refill 1lb Tanks Refillable 1 lb Empty Propane Cylinder Tank 1lb Refillable Cylinder Kit Refill Stand for 1lb/20lb Tanks ProBoost Dual 1lb Propane Tank Carrier 
 Propane Fitting Adapter Valve to Refill 1lb TanksRefillable 1LB Empty Propane Cylinder Tank (2-Pack)1LB Refillable Cylinder KitRefill Stand for 1LB/20lb TanksProBoost Dual 1LB Propane Tank Carrier
UsageUse this adapter to refill your 1LB cylindersGreat alternative for plastic 1LB cylindersUse this Refill Kit to refill your 1LB cylindersMount your 20lb tank on this Stand to refill your 1lb cylindersCarry two 1LB camping propane bottles


Whether you need to heat, power, or grill, Flame King specializes in making propane tanks and cylinders used daily across the globe. We offer a complete line of portable propane cylinders that come in various sizes ranging from 1lb. to 420lb. as well as propane accessories, for recreational, commercial, industrial, and home applications. For over 20 years, we have brought together technology and hardware, to provide better experiences for our consumers. We aim to reduce global waste and have therefore produced the refillable/reusable 1lb propane tank - the first of its kind in the market. For the past few years, we have also broadened our line with advanced and innovative products such as propane torches, cooking, and heating appliances for outdoor activities.


배송업체로젠택비 (택배사는 변경될 수 있음)
배송기간입금확인 후 3일 이내에 배송업체를 통해 발송합니다.
1) 월요일~목요일 12시까지 결재/입금분 당일출고
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1) 총 구매금액 5만원 이상일 때 무료배송
2) 제주도 및 도서산간지역 배송불가
3) 개인적인 사정에 의한 교환/반품시 왕복 배송비는 고객님께서 부담해 주셔야 교환/반품이 가능합니다.
배송안내상품의 신선도 유지를 위하여 토요일과 공휴일 전날에는 출고되지 않습니다.
명절 및 배송 집중기간에는 배송이 지연 될 수 있습니다.
교환/반품상품을 받으시면 곧바로 이상 유무를 확인하시고 이상이 있을 경우 소들녘 고객센터 031-323-3920으로 연락주시면 즉시 교환 또는 환불처리가 가능합니다.
교환/반품이 불가능한 경우1) 소들녘 쇼핑몰에서 구매한 상품은 식품의 특성상 상품 출고 후 고객님의 단순변심(입맛에 안맞다. 상품이 마음에 안든다. 크기가 작다.등)에 의한 취소 및 반품이 불가합니다.
2) 잘못된 보관방법이나 고객님의 부주의 등으로 인한 제품의 오염, 파손, 변질, 기타 책임 있는 사유로 제품이 멸실 또는 훼손된 경우 교환 및 반품이 불가합니다.
3) 주소불명, 수취인 부재, 연락두절, 단순 수취 거부등으로 인한 반송일 경우 상품손상이 불가피 하므로 원물비용전액을 고객님이 부담하셔야 합니다.
(주문전 꼭 고객님의 배송정보를 다시 한번 확인하시고 주문해 주시기 바랍니다)
주문취소 안내거래취소는 식품 특성상 상품준비중 단계에서만 가능합니다.
1) 신용카드로 결제한 주문건을 취소하는 경우, 최소 완료시점에서 즉시 결제 취소되며, 승인 후 영업일 기준 6-7일 후 해당 카드사에서 취소내역을 확인할 수 있습니다.(체크카드 7-14일 후 확인가능)
2) 실시간 계좌이체의 경우 영업일 기준 4-5일 후 거래 취소 확인이 가능합니다.


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