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[YUSUD] 2 Pack Permanent Match Infinity Lighter

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Product name

YUSUD 2 Pack Permanent Match Infinity Lighter with Multitool Keychain, Reusable Waterproof Match Strike Anywhere, Forever Flint Fire Starter for Outdoor Survival, for Men

Product Key Information
  • Original unique design: Full Flint Metal Permanent Match Lighter is an EDC key ring that is good to use as an EDC survival tool for camping, hiking, backpacking and outdoor adventure.
  • Reasonable price quality after -service: promises to sell at reasonable prices, but if there is a defect or damage, it provides 1 year quality after the service.
  • Multi -purpose: This key ring is a perfect tool that combines usefulness and convenience, an essential hiking or camping equipment for hunting, traveling and other outdoor activities. It works the same even if it is wet or cold
  • Excellent gift ideas: It is very elegant and colorful and packed in an elegant gift box and becomes a great gift idea for many events such as business gifts and birthdays.
  • Durability: This Poever Match Strike Lighter and adjustable side can withstand at least 10,000 hits. Premium quality magnesium core striker
Detailed Description

Convenient EDC tool and simple to operate.
Durable and fuel refillable, can be used for thousands of times.
Applicable at anywhere, anytime and any condition.
Compact and light weight design, very handy and easy to carry 

Package Include
1 x Metal Match Keychain
1 x gift box 

User Manual
1,Due to air mail regulation, the lighter comes with no fuel. Please make sure that a small amount of fuel (gasoline or kerosene) should be added before igniting fire.
2, Unscrew magnesium rod striker.
3, Quickly strike against flint strip on side of body to ignite fire. 

Keep away from fire source.
Keep away from children, unless there are adults along with them.
When the flame become weaker or you can see the cotton is on fire, you need to dip the metal match again before another ignition. The lighter fluid can be gasoline or kerosene. 

Permanent match lighter Keychain Flint Metal Matchstick Fire Starter, Refillable Lighter, Gift Ideas


This permanent match lighter is a convenient EDC tool and simple to use. Durable and fuel refillable, can be used for thousands of times. With compact and lightweight design, very handy and easy to carry anywhere, anytime and any condition. Small and exquisite, convenient and easy carry every day.

waterproof Permanent match lighter Keychain Flint Metal Matchstick Fire Starter Refillable Gift Idea 

waterproof Permanent match lighter Keychain Flint Metal Matchstick Fire Starter Refillable Gift Idea 

waterproof Permanent match lighter Keychain Flint Metal Matchstick Fire Starter Refillable Gift Idea 


High-quality aluminum alloy with leather surface. Waterproof, moisture-proof and pressure-resistant.


Built with O ring design, you can easy attach your keys and convenient to take along with it for quick emergency access.


The premium flint of the permanent match can be replaced manually and reused. Indispensable tool for outdoor camping

fill oil waterproof Permanent match lighter Keychain Flint Metal Matchstick Fire Starter Refillable


1. Rotate counterclockwise to open the lid and add kerosene.

2. Put the striker back to dip the oil enough.

3. Make sure you are holding the striker shaft at a 45-degree angle with the flint rod.

4. Slightly press and quickly slide the striker along the flint to the steel. Upward or downward is OK, please be careful not to hurt your finger.

fill oil waterproof Permanent match lighter Keychain Flint Metal Matchstick Fire Starter Refillable

waterproof Permanent match lighter Keychain Flint Metal Matchstick Fire Starter Refillable Gift Idea

Scrape down Permanent match lighter Keychain Flint Metal Matchstick Fire Starter Refillable

ignite Permanent match lighter Keychain Flint Metal Matchstick Fire Starter Refillable Gift Idea

change wick


Don’t keep using the lighter if there is lighter fluid insufficient. If you see the flame is weak and the wick becomes difficult to be ignited, then you may need to refill it.

Do not burn the cotton core for more than 10 seconds each time. When the wick is burned to red and become short, the wick can’t absorb enough fluid so it will be difficult to ignite. Please extend or change the wick by the steps as below.

1. Pull the steel scraper out by pliers.

2. Slowly pull the wick out, stop pulling if you think it’s long enough. Please directly change the wick if it’s too short to wrap the scraper.

3. Put the scraper back to the middle of the wick, and then lightly hammer it back to the pipe.

4. The exposed part of the wick should be at least half of the length of the exposed scraper.

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 Keychain Matchstick Fire Starter with Bottle OpenerKeychain Matchstick Fire Starter with LED Light2 Pack Multitool Keychain Match2 Pack Multitool Keychain Match1 Pack + Accessories2 Pack Keychain Double Side Flint Metal Matchstick
Gift Ideas
YUSUD Keychain Flint Metal Matchstick Fire Starter, Great Kerosene Refillable Lighter, EDC Gift Idea


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2) 잘못된 보관방법이나 고객님의 부주의 등으로 인한 제품의 오염, 파손, 변질, 기타 책임 있는 사유로 제품이 멸실 또는 훼손된 경우 교환 및 반품이 불가합니다.
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1) 신용카드로 결제한 주문건을 취소하는 경우, 최소 완료시점에서 즉시 결제 취소되며, 승인 후 영업일 기준 6-7일 후 해당 카드사에서 취소내역을 확인할 수 있습니다.(체크카드 7-14일 후 확인가능)
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