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HOMECamping kitchenCamping kitchen

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제품 확대이미지
제품 확대이미지
제품 확대이미지

[UCO] Camping portable tableware 6 sets, Venture

the total amount


Product name

UCO 6-Piece Camping Mess Kit with Bowl, Plate, Collapsible Cup, and Switch Camping Spork

Product Key Information
  • Mess kit for camping, backpacking, scouting, and meals on-the-go; includes plate, bowl, camp cup, two-piece Switch Spork utensil set, and tether for securing kit and contents
  • For meal storage and transport, the bowl and plate connect with an airtight seal; collapsible camp cup stows inside kit; included tether secures spork and keeps kit contents contained
  • Two-piece Switch Spork set features a dedicated fork, knife, and spoon; , or connects together to form an extra long utensil; made from durable reinforced glass nylon
  • Bowl and plate have rubberized grips on the bottom to prevent slippage on tabletop while eating
  • Mess kit measures 8 x 8 x 3 inches, weighs 0. 6 pounds; BPA- and phthalate-free, dishwasher and microwave-safe
Detailed Description
Make and take meals on the go with the UCO 6-Piece camping cooking set. Includes a plate, bowl, cup, a Switch Spork utensil, and 1 bungee tether. Both the bowl and the plate have rubberized grips on the bottom that ensure your camping cooking gear stays put. The spork is contoured to match the inside of the bowl and plate, making it easy to get every last crumb or drop of soup. When it comes time to pack up, the foldable cup nests inside the bowl and plate, which connect to form an airtight seal and the included stretch tether secures the spork to the kit.
mess kit

Non-Skid Ring on Base 

Collapsible Cup 

Switch Spork Set 

Non-Skid Ring on Base

A non-skid silicone ring on the bowl and lid keeps them in place on uneven and un-level surfaces.


Collapsible Cup

Foldable 12 oz cup nests inside the bowl and plate.

Switch Spork Set

Includes a dedicated fork, knife and spoon made from durable reinforced glass nylon that can be connected to form one extra-long utensil.

 bowl bowl bowl spoon cup utensils 
 4-Piece Camping Mess Kit6-Piece Camping Mess KitECO 5-Piece Camping Mess KitECO Utility Spork, 2 PackCollapsible Camp Cup, 2 Pack2-Person Camping Mess Kit
Number of Pieces4652211
MaterialPolypropylene & TPEPolypropylene, Nylon & TPERecycled Polypropylene, Silicone, Reinforced NylonRecycled PolypropylenePolypropylenePolypropylene, Nylon
BPA FreeYesYesYesYesYesYes
Dishwasher SafeYesYesYesYesYesYes
Includes1 bowl/container, 1 lid/plate, 1 spork & tetherPlate, bowl, Camp Cup, Switch Spork & tetherECO bowl/container, ECO lid/plate, ECO Switch Spork & tether2 ECO Sporks & tether2 12-oz. Camp Cups2 12-oz. cups, 2 23-oz. bowls, 2 9-in. plates, 2 Switch Sporks


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1) 신용카드로 결제한 주문건을 취소하는 경우, 최소 완료시점에서 즉시 결제 취소되며, 승인 후 영업일 기준 6-7일 후 해당 카드사에서 취소내역을 확인할 수 있습니다.(체크카드 7-14일 후 확인가능)
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