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[SereneLife] Portable Outdoor Wood Fire Pit - 2-in-1 Steel BBQ Grill 26"

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Product name


SereneLife Portable Outdoor Wood Fire Pit - 2-in-1 Steel BBQ Grill 26" Wood Burning Fire Pit Bowl w/ Mesh Spark Screen, Cover Log Grate, Wood Fire Poker for Camping, Picnic, Bonfire - SLCARFP54


Product Key Information


  • FIRE PIT AND BBQ GRILL IN 1: The patio fire pit wood burning fireplace not only provides heat to keep you warm during the cold night it also doubles as a barbeque grill. Perfect for outdoor entertaining, bonfire pit, camping, and more
  • SAFE AND RELIABLE: This round wood burning fire pit comes with a mesh spark screen to protect you and loved ones from flying embers and includes a fire poker making it easier to control and safer than traditional bonfires
  • MADE TO LAST: SereneLife wood fire pits feature a sturdy metal fire pit and steel frame construction material with high-temperature black heat-resistant coating paint finish for durability and long-term use to last a lifetime
  • EASY TO ASSEMBLE: This raised fire pit is easy to assemble with two persons & takes only 15 minutes to put together. It is equipped with a wood storage shelf & has a large load-bearing capacity. Comes w/ all the necessary hardware for easy assembly
  • COMPLETE SET: The campfire tree trunk fire pit is portable and lightweight and can be easily moved anywhere. The complete set includes a mesh spark screen, cooking grill, log grate, fire poker, fire bowl, steel feet, wooden tray, & side holder


Detailed Description


Outdoor Wood Fire Pit - Steel BBQ Grill Fire Pit Bowl with Mesh Spark Screen, Cover Log Grate, Wood Fire Poker for Camping, Picnic, & Bonfire Features: Sturdy Metal Fire Pit and Steel Frame Durable Steel with High-Temperature Paint Finish Built-in Wood Grate Easier to Control and Safer than Traditional Bonfires With Black Heat-Resistant Coating Large Load-Bearing Capacity Sturdy Metal for Durability and Long-term Use Easy to Assemble with Two Persons, Takes 15 Minutes Can be Used as BBQ Grill Perfect for Outdoor Entertaining, Bonfire Pit, Camping, and More Fire is Away from Floor to Avoid Any Heat Wood Storage Shelf What's in the Box: Mesh spark screen Cooking Grill Log Grate Fire Poker Fire Bowl Steel Feet Wooden Tray Side Holder Technical Specs: Construction Material: Steel + Cooking Grill Fire Bowl Size: 26'' -inches Poker Size: 23.5'' -inches Mesh Spark Screen: 21.5'' x 6'' -inches Primary Fuel Type: Charcoal or Dry Wood Product Dimension (L x W x H): 26'' x 26'' x 22'' inches Sold as: 1 Weight: 20 lbs.
Fire Pit;Wood;Outdoor;Portable ;2-in-1;BBQ Grill;Camping;Fire Pit Bow;Bonfire;SereneLife;Picnic;
Fire Pit;Wood;Outdoor;Portable ;2-in-1;BBQ Grill;Camping;Fire Pit Bow;Bonfire;SereneLife;Picnic;


Fire Pit;Wood;Outdoor;Portable ;2-in-1;BBQ Grill;Camping;Fire Pit Bow;Bonfire;SereneLife;Picnic;
Technical Specs:
  • Construction Material: Steel + Cooking Grill
  • Fire Bowl Size: 26'' -inches
  • Poker Size: 23.5'' -inches
  • Mesh Spark Screen: 21.5'' x 6'' -inches
  • Primary Fuel Type: Charcoal or Dry Wood
  • Product Dimension (L x W x H): 26'' x 26'' x 22'' inches


2-in-1 Steel BBQ Grill 26" Wood Burning Fire Pit Bowl w/ Mesh Spark Screen, Cover Log Grate, Wood Fire Poker for Camping, Picnic, Bonfire

The patio fire pit wood burning fireplace not only provides heat to keep you warm during the cold night it also doubles as a barbeque grill. Perfect for outdoor entertaining, bonfire pit, camping, and more

  • Perfect for outdoor
  • Safer than traditional bonfires
  • Long-term use to last a lifetime
  • Easily moved anywhere
  • Wood Storage Shelf

Fire Pit;Wood;Outdoor;Portable ;2-in-1;BBQ Grill;Camping;Fire Pit Bow;Bonfire;SereneLife;Picnic; 

Fire Pit;Wood;Outdoor;Portable ;2-in-1;BBQ Grill;Camping;Fire Pit Bow;Bonfire;SereneLife;Picnic; 

Fire Pit;Wood;Outdoor;Portable ;2-in-1;BBQ Grill;Camping;Fire Pit Bow;Bonfire;SereneLife;Picnic; 


This round wood burning fire pit comes with a mesh spark screen to protect you and loved ones from flying embers and includes a fire poker making it easier to control and safer than traditional bonfires


The campfire tree trunk fire pit is portable and lightweight and can be easily moved anywhere. The complete set includes a mesh spark screen, cooking grill, log grate, fire poker, fire bowl, steel feet, wooden tray, & side holder


This raised fire pit is easy to assemble with two persons & takes only 15 minutes to put together. It is equipped with a wood storage shelf & has a large load-bearing capacity. Comes w/ all the necessary hardware for easy assembly

Fire Pit;Wood;Outdoor;Portable ;2-in-1;BBQ Grill;Camping;Fire Pit Bow;Bonfire;SereneLife;Picnic;
Fire Pit;Wood;Outdoor;Portable ;2-in-1;BBQ Grill;Camping;Fire Pit Bow;Bonfire;SereneLife;Picnic;





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