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[YETI Roadie] Folding periscope, Cosmic lilac

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Product name


YETI Roadie 48 Wheeled Cooler with Retractable Periscope Handle, Cosmic Lilac


Product Key Information


  • Easy enough for long treks, tall enough for chilled wine, big enough for an all-day tailgate
  • PERISCOPE HANDLE: Retractable for convenience and built strong for extra-hefty provisions.
  • NEVERFLAT WHEELS: Solid, single-piece tire construction is impact and puncture-resistant.
  • LIPGRIP HANDLES: Stay out of the way and make carrying your catch easy.
  • BEARFOOT NON-SLIP FEET: Prevent sliding on the boat or in the backseat.


Detailed Description


The Roadie 48 Wheeled Cooler is built for navigating tailgate crowds and taking lunches to go, and with the same cold-holding power you’d expect from a Tundra Cooler. It’s also made to last just as long – from the handle to its durable wheels, this thing is virtually indestructible.

The Roadie 48 Wheeled Cooler comes with one dry goods basket.

YETI Roadie Coolers


roadie 24 

Roadie 24 Cooler

Roadie 48 

Roadie 48 Wheeled Cooler

Roadie 60 

Roadie 60 Wheeled Cooler


18 cans (using a 2:1 ice-to-can ratio)


42 cans (using a 2:1 ice-to-can ratio)


53 cans (using a 2:1 ice-to-can ratio)

Ice Only

24 lbs of Ice (only)

Ice Only

39 lbs of Ice (only)

Ice Only

62 lbs of Ice (only)

External Dimensions

16.5"W x 14.0"D x 17.5"H

External Dimensions

19.8"W x 19.9"D x 20.5"H

External Dimensions

23.7"W x 19.9"D x 20.5"H

Internal Dimensions

10.9"W x 8.1"D x 13.3"H

Internal Dimensions

14.5"W x 11.6"D x 15.7"H

Internal Dimensions

18.5"W x 14.6"D x 15.7"H

Empty Weight

12.8 Lbs

Empty Weight

25.8 Lbs

Empty Weight

29 Lbs

roadie 24 hard cooler
Roadie Life
Roadie Wheeled Coolers




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1) 신용카드로 결제한 주문건을 취소하는 경우, 최소 완료시점에서 즉시 결제 취소되며, 승인 후 영업일 기준 6-7일 후 해당 카드사에서 취소내역을 확인할 수 있습니다.(체크카드 7-14일 후 확인가능)
2) 실시간 계좌이체의 경우 영업일 기준 4-5일 후 거래 취소 확인이 가능합니다.


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